Retreat Weekend: Saturday


Register any new participants during Breakfast. 

After you register latecomers, check that the Registration Sheet is completely filled out and legible.

Collect the checks and cash make arrangements to give to Center Treasurer, Anne Heberger-Marino

Check in with Director:

  • Does the Director need anything?
  • Take a participant head count. Let Director know if someone is absent. Does s/he want you to call them?
  • Review/revise schedule for day.
  • If someone missed Friday night’s talk, check with Director. Arrange for them to listen to the missed talk during the lunch break.
  • If a participant tells you they will need to miss part of the weekend, ask Director if s/he wants to talk to them.
  • Ask Director if s/he would like to offer interviews to Staff.
  • Level III: There is a short talk on Saturday afternoon inviting people to (1) help as staff from now on and (2) to become members of the Center. Check with Director about who will do this.


During First Sitting

  • Make an announcement asking participants to either stay on the cushion they’re on, or to choose another seat for the weekend so a seating chart can be prepared for the purpose of locating them for interviews.
  • Fill out seating chart before lunch and post it on wall outside meditation hall, for use during the interviews.


You can delegate this to staff. Prep tea water and coffee before beginning the interviews.

  • Ask Director if (s)he wants to assign participants to Interviewers;

Give each Interviewer forms filled out with participant’s name.  Interview spaces: Director’s suite, balcony, Icon Gallery (if prior arrangements have been made with landlord), and the kitchen area if needed.

  • See Interview Roster Sheet for escort protocol and room setup, later in this manual. Review with escorts.

At Lunch: The Timer to announce lunch with two gongs and the coordinator announces lunch details (options), what time sitting will resume (typically there is a 90 minute break) and details about listening to recording of talks during lunch. See Procedures: Protector Principle.

Also advise the participants regarding the optional dinner with the Director and request final count at tea time and make the reservations.