Cheerful Celebration Held for the Autumn Equinox: Harvest of Peace

Each year we come together as community to mark the changing of the seasons.

This year’s theme of the Sakyong’s talk was the concept of household, particularly how we relate to our households as practitioners and warriors in the Shambhala tradition. The Sakyong invites us to contemplate how we lead our daily lives in the context of enlightened rulership. For those unable to attend the celebration on Saturday, you may listen to the talk by following the link below.

Thank you to all who were able to attend the Harvest of Peace Celebration at the Brunswick Shambhala Center on Saturday.

What a lively crowd it was! The Shambhala Sadhana practiced together offered a true sense of community for the day. The feast was bountiful, thanks to all the dishes members brought to share.

Some feedback heard:

“ It was a great Harvest of Peace party in Brunswick for those that missed it.  The Shambhala Sadhana is something I would recommend to any have not experienced it! “

“What a wonderful gathering yesterday. “

Appreciation of Gratitude was generously expressed to all those that have made contributions of energy and effort over the year so far.

Fund raising, for the Brunswick/Portland Center and the International Mandala ,was kicked off with a strong start by those that were able to attend the celebration. For those of you that were unable to attend and would like to make a contribution to the center and Shambhala International you may find the form at the website to download and mail in with your contribution. All donations are greatly appreciated.

The link to the form can be found here:

You can find the recording of the Sakyong’s talk here:

and the Script of Talk here:

Thank you all for your continued support.